Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Shopping Schnauzer

While working on my booth today, this cute little schnauzer was being pushed around in a cart by his parents.  I talked with them for awhile and asked if I could take a picture of him.   They were the nicest older couple and spoil him just like I do my pets.  I forgot I had my camera with me and took this with my iPhone, so his eyes look creepy...oops!
The antique mall I'm in is pet friendly.  We get to see a lot of cute pets.
I cleaned, rearranged and brought in new purchases.  My space was long over due for an over-haul as I wasn't able to get in there for a month.  I usually work on it at least once or twice a week.

Some of the items you might recognize from my trips to Iowa and New York.

Probably my favorite thing in this photo is the pink cake carrier.

I have some cool vintage nylons in the original box in this cabinet.

An interesting item in this cabinet is the SOUTHERN COMFORT bar blender on the bottom shelf.

Yes, I emptied every one of these cases and cleaned all the glass.  I had a real mess going on until I put everything back.  But that's the fun part to rearrange.

This china cabinet has the original curved glass.
A favorite item among the younger crowd, PABST.

Another few hours tomorrow and I should have it back in order.

Later I will post a photo of a sterling chatelaine I brought home to put on ebay this week. Trust me it's incredible.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Plunged To Death?

When the phone rings late at night, doesn't that usually mean somethings wrong?
It's just the college princess with a clogged toilet.
But she calls my hubby 5 or 6 times because she can't get it to plunge.
She is in a panic.
It's now 2:00 in the morning.
He tells her to call the maintenance man.
She says he won't be able to come for 2 days.
Princess uses the toilet in the rec center.
Hubby drives the 90+ miles to unclog the toilet.
Battles the traffic, rain and a cough.
True Love!

Daughter in an email to me:  
 Uhhhhh this day is horrible! Well I know I'm not going to be a fucking plumber!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Back In The Groove


It feels good to be back in the swing of things and participating in life.

Everything I bought was cheap!

I couldn't wait to get home to look the items up on ebay and Etsy.  I think my favorite part of the job is the research, because I'm a real dork.

Here are some of my fun finds......

 2 Goebel birds
A sweet hand painted tin

I think this watercolor is very pretty.....

and the most adorable vintage children's souvenir umbrella from Florida.

Antique DELFTS ginger jar
Enamelware bail handled pot
 Vintage luggage rack.....example of my good find, I paid $8 and they are selling for approximately $59.00 on ebay.  Woo Hoo Fun!

Other great finds:  Waterford duck (only paid $1.00), Murano ashtray $1.00, vintage boot jack $3.00 (found one on ebay for $89.00!!!

Is it a crime folks to find these great deals?  It's all in the hit and miss.  Going to billions of sales.  Learning from mistakes.  Not knowing a good thing when you see it.  Not picking something up before someone else, don't hesitate.

Now for the second fun part....getting to display the items in my booth.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Goats Love Scrub Oak

The most enjoyable part of my day.....

 going through my yard, cutting scrub oak bush leaves to bring to the goats.  It's like candy to them.  Rowland & Ciggy get so excited, they run to the gate.............

devouring the leaves in a few minutes.   Just when I think I've cut enough branches for them, I repeat the whole process again.  I've been too lazy to purchase proper boots and just keep my UGG slippers by the back door.  Every time I think I'm going to twist my ankle or fall.  Most of my one acre is rather hilly.  I have lost my balance a few times.

The scrub oak bushes are rather ugly in my opinion, but the goats sure do love them.

During my illness, my daughter was home from college and she took care of the babies for me.  Now she is back at school and I'm having a hard time recovering.  The main complaint is exhaustion.  Every night I think...tomorrow I will get up early, do my chores, get some healthy groceries, go for a walk, get in some antique work.....but NO!  I just go back to bed or lay on the couch.  I need to feel better and mainly I need some energy.  Taking care of the goats is all I seem to manage or want to do.  It is making me depressed thinking of all the things I should be doing.  My house, laundry, work and groceries are suffering dearly. I feel another crying jag coming on!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

10 Days of Pneumonia and Advanced Style

Advanced Style was coming to the Phoenix Art Museum in my state and wouldn't you know it..............I have been suffering from pneumonia since New Years!

My beautiful daughter said she would go for me, since she is a fan of Ari Seth Cohen's blog.  Jennie met with her friend Alex in Phoenix and they had a great time.  She bought me the ADVANCED STYLE book and had Ari sign it to me.  I am so excited to own this wonderful book!

Jennie and Alex

Here is Ari Seth Cohen, creator of the popular blog, book and upcoming movie ADVANCED STYLE, presenting a lecture with fashion maven Deborah Rapoport.

Even though I wasn't able to attend, I was given a vivid detailed description.  Thanks kids!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Whiskey Row New Years

Whiskey Row New Years

In my small town, Whiskey Row is where to go......
a historical old west section with original saloon backbars....
has survived fires, fights and many tourist.

And so we celebrated in several old saloons, each have their own bands, seeing friends, dancing until the wee hours!