Monday, November 26, 2012

Goats, Art, Family and Friends

A glorious fun filled 4 days of having all my children home for Thanksgiving!  The meal went off without a hitch.  The boys brought their girlfriends & spent the evening playing card games.  The following day, we went for a hike in the woods & that evening out to dinner for my second son's birthday.  Caught a glimpse of the Christmas Light Parade.  All in all a great time!

These 2 cuties are going to be the newest edition to our family!  We went out for a visit after being informed these 2 boys were available.  I have always wanted goats & after checking with the city codes, we are allowed to have 2 goats since we have almost an acre.
So excited, this will help with the empty nest syndrome!  My 2 new babies!

My artist friend Jim had an open house at his glass blowing studio......
I love this glass eye....

Jim has lots of cool stuff in his studio....

His vintage BMW police bike....

These glass peppers are adorable .......

After watching the whole process, I am so impressed & have a greater appreciation for the glassmaking business.................

It's a devilish HOT business!


  1. Jim, his studio an his creations are just fabulous, he'd never get rid of me if I visited.
    Glad you had a good Thanksgiving, your family are gorgeous and so are those goats! x

  2. I have a huge appreciation for this art as well. And to work around all that heat! I'd have a hard time with that for sure.
    Happy Holidays!
